Athlete - Conor Phelan; Location - Tonic Peak; Date - September 2023Athlete - Jamie Templeton; Location - Rainbow Mountain; Date - September 2021Athlete - Liam Palmer; Location - South Chilcotin Mountains; Date - August 2022Athlete - Michael Gill; Loation - Goat Ridge; Date - July 2020 [2]Athlete - Michael Gill; Location - Britannia Beach; Date - August 2018Athlete - Michael Gill; Location - Britannia Beach; Date - May 2019Athlete - Michael Gill; Location - Goat Ridge, Squamish; Date - August 2018 (Steep Slab)Athlete - Michael Gill; Location - Goat Ridge, Squamish; Date - August 2018Athlete - Michael Gill; Location - Goat Ridge; Date - July 2020Athlete - Michael Gill; Location - South Chilcotin Mountains; Date - August 2020 (2)Athlete - Michael Gill; Location - South Chilcotin Mountains; Date - August 2020Athlete - Michael Gill; Location - South Chilcotin Mountains; Date - July 2021Athlete - Michael Gill; Location - Sproatt Mountain; Date - September 2023Athlete - Michael Kubik; Location - Britannia Beach; Date - October 2018Athlete - Ryan Libech; Location - Tonic Peak; Date - July 2023Athletes - Michael Kubik, Michael Gill, and Simon Jones ; Location - Sootip Peak; Date - August 2023Athletes - Robyn Spencer, Jen Brough, and Jana McLean; Location - South Chilcotins; Date - August 2022DSC01908-PanoDSC07811 [Adjusted]DSC08583 [Adjusted]