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Athlete - Braden Fox; Location - Panorama Ridge (Overlooking Garibaldi Lake); Date - August 2014Athlete - Jana McLean; Location - Mt. Barbour; Date - August 2017Athlete - Linda Harrison; Location - Cowboy Ridge; Date - February 2019Athlete - Shaun Frost; Location - Tantalus Range; Date - August 2017DSC00750 [Adjusted in Photoshop]DSC01970 [Adjusted in Photoshop]DSC02357 [Adjusted]DSC02370 [Adjusted]DSC03682 [Adjusted]DSC04248 [Adjusted]DSC04297 [Adjusted]DSC06056 [Adjusted in Photoshop]DSC07561 [Adjusted in Photoshop]DSC08442 [Adjusted in Photoshop]Steep powder skiing on Cowboy Ridge with Castle Towers Mountain in backgroundFrom left- Jana McLean, Mike Wheeler, and Tina Clarke, Kaskawulsh Peak, Yukon, BC, August 2016Skier on untouched powder in high alpineGill Sillhouette Against Sunshine Coast PeaksSkier on powder slope with iconic mountain in backgroundKubik Cornering Hard on Frisby Ridge